Honoring the Ancestors

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

Your very existence means that someone fathered you. Whether you had a good relationship or a bad one with this person, whether you knew him or not, you had a father. This spell honors that connection, affirming what is good and helping to make what was bad less powerful.

You'll need a mirror on a wall. Gaze into it and really see yourself. Don't berate yourself. Don't judge yourself. Just look into the eyes of the person gazing back at you. It's not a reflection; it's a person who needs you.

Think about the life force that flows through your veins and all the ancestors that came before you so that you could exist. Thank the person in the mirror for being there for you when no one else is. Thank them for your life, and your breath, and your potential. Finally, high-five the mirror—a universal sign of support. You've got this!

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9320