A Pop of Protection

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Marjoram

This is a good protection spell, and it's also fun to do! You'll need an empty toilet roll, a pen or Sharpie, two pieces of tissue paper, some corn flour, and some salt. The spell is finished outdoors, so make sure you have somewhere you can safely go and make a bit of an environmentally friendly mess!

Draw a square on the toilet roll. Put one piece of tissue paper in one end, and fill the toilet roll with a mixture of corn flour and salt. Put the second piece of tissue into the other end of the toilet roll.

Take the filled toilet roll outside. Turn around clockwise four times while holding it. As you do this, repeat:
You can't touch me.
I was born to be free.
On the last "free," clap your hands together onto the toilet roll. This will loosen the tissue and the contents should come spilling out! Dispose of the empty toilet roll in a suitable receptacle.

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