POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Garden, AND MORE

An Herbal Harvest Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

Warm, sunny August mornings are a perfect time to harvest your herbs. For this spell you'll need a small sharp knife, some paper towels, string, and a place away from direct sun to hang your herbs for drying. Begin by cutting the herbs you wish to dry. Rinse them in cold water. Next place them on paper towels near an open kitchen window to absorb excess water. Hold your hands above your herbs and say:
Basil, mint, oregano, and dill [or say the names of the herbs you're drying],
You've perfumed my garden well.
I've raised you from plant and seed.
Now I ask that you fulfill
my culinary needs.

Now tie the herbs in small bunches of no more than six stems. Hang only one type of herb per bunch. Then hang the herbs in an airy spot away from direct sunlight to dry completely. On a chilly day, remember the blessing you said and let the herbs help you flavor your favorite recipes.

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