Get Rid of Guilt Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Alder

Sometimes we have no real reason to feel guilty, and sometimes we do. But after carrying it around for a while, there comes a time to get rid of guilt. This spell will help with that.

Perform this spell on a sunny day. You'll need a stick. Go to a rural or secluded spot. A dirt road or a field would be good. Stand so you are looking at your shadow. Bend down, and with the stick, write the word guilt across your shadow. Then say:
Guilt, we are done.
Dissolve into the earth.
Burn into dust by the heat of the sun.

Now scratch the word guilt away using the stick. Break the stick and toss it into the weeds. You should feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Walk away.

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