POSTED UNDER Children, Potion, Water

Magical Anti-Germ Potion

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender

With kids back in school, we're in the midst of germ season. Children exchange germs quickly and efficiently while playing, touching, sharing erasers, and trading lunch items. It is time for a Magical Anti-Germ Potion.

Tea tree oil, made from Melaleuca alternifolia, is the perfect ally, with antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities. It's also good for the treatment of psoriasis, acne, and eczema. That means you can spray Magical Anti-Germ Potion on any germinfested item and on skin. Never spray tea tree oil in anyone's eyes. You can use this to make hand sanitizers by soaking paper towels in it.

In a large spray bottle, combine 2 teaspoons tea tree oil and 2 cups water. As you shake the liquid thoroughly before spraying, remind it of its magical purpose, chanting:
Anti-this and anti-that,
help me if you please
To keep us well and happy
and free of all dis-ease.

Every evening, use the potion to treat your kids' shoes, lunch boxes, pencil cases, and markers.

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