Shake Away the Attachment

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Mulberry

This spell removes unwanted attachments from others. It's a great way to get an ex to stop pestering you, to get coworkers to stop harassing you, or just to shake off a lingering memory that is no longer appropriate for you to carry. You'll need a jar of cayenne pepper, a pen and paper, thirteen matches, some sea salt crystals, and lavender oil.

Empty the cayenne pepper into another receptacle. Write the person's name on the paper and put it in the empty pepper jar. Add the matches, then pour in some sea salt until the jar is nearly full. Finally, fill the jar with whatever cayenne pepper will fit into it. Keep tapping the sides of the jar so the pepper settles.

For the next five days, shake the jar. On the sixth day, shake the jar, rub the outside of it with the lavender oil, and then—keeping the jar closed—dispose of it off your property. Know that the person in question no longer has power over you, and celebrate!

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9423