POSTED UNDER Air, Autumn, Wind

Smoke Signals

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Almond

Divination comes in many forms. One especially well suited for autumn use is capnomancy, or divination based on smoke patterns. The color, shape, and behavior of the smoke send messages.

You can do this type of divination with incense, a pile of burning leaves, a bonfire, or whatever you prefer. (Take standard precautions for working with fire.) Once the flames die down, examine the smoke. Watch how it flows through the air, forming shapes. Smoke that rises smoothly predicts easy times ahead, while smoke that sputters or boils without obvious wind is a warning of turmoil. You might see a snake (rebirth), a sphere (perfection), a figure eight (infinity), a spiral (magic), or other symbols. If the smoke "follows" you as you move, especially against the wind, it means that elemental air and fire like you.

Write down the date and a description of what you see in the smoke. Later you can return to check if the predictions came true.

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