Create Your Porta-Witch

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

Back when I was creating and leading rituals all over Southern California, I soon discovered it was best to take my sacred tools with me instead of borrowing or making do. I made myself a Porta-Witch, which is what I called the picnic basket with my altar supplies in it. You can make one, too.

First, buy a lidded picnic basket. Clean it carefully and bless it as you bless your tools. Now start filling your basket:

  1. A compass (You need to know where the directions are.)
  2. Your symbols of the elemental powers (Make them personal but still obvious to others.)
  3. A small goddess figure or two
  4. Plastic bags of matches, charcoal, sacred oils, incense, etc.
  5. Small clay saucers in which to burn incense
  6. Candles and four candleholders
  7. Your ritual knife and wand
  8. An altar cloth

Bless each object as you place it in the basket, then surround the basket with a sphere of protective light. See magic happening as you work with your Porta-Witch.

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Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D., (Long Beach, California), is a Witch, teacher, and freelance writer.  She holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9439