Giving Thanks

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Hyssop

As a Canadian, I have much to give thanks for: democracy, socialized medicine and education, and a relatively good standard of living. Where I place my attention, the energy grows. So today, on Canadian Thanksgiving Day, let's undertake a gratitude spell.
On a piece of paper, write:
1. Thank you, thank you,
thank you for ______.
Fill in the blank. Then write:
2. I am pleased by ______.
Complete the phrase and continue:
3. I am happy about ______.
4. I am glad that ______.
5. I am thankful for ______.
6. I am appreciative of ______.
7. I am blessed by ______.
8. I am delighted by ______.
9. I am grateful for ______.
Lucky, lucky me.

This simple gratitude spell can be used nightly to shift your energy and attention, releasing stress and stimulating feel-good hormones throughout your body before sleep. Realistically, you can use this spell to change your outlook any time you need.

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