POSTED UNDER Earth, Friends

Apple a Day

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

Today is National Apple Day. This beautiful fruit is sacred in some Pagan traditions. It represents magic, the five elements, and the mysteries of life and death.

Celebrate this holiday by doing something with apples. If you don't have your own apple tree, the best way is to visit an orchard where you can pick your own apples and enjoy products such as apple cider. Give thanks to the Earth and the apple trees for their abundance. In many areas, fall weather supports planting apple trees in your yard. Choose trees suited to your environment; planting two different varieties gives better pollination. In case of inclement weather, you may prefer working indoors. Read about the sacred and magical uses of apples, or study heirloom apple cultivars. You could also cook with apples. Take time to cut one in half, between the stem end and the blossom end, to observe the pentacle inside its core. Invite your friends over for an apple ritual!

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