POSTED UNDER Earth, Passion

Tra-la-la DI-DAAA!

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Frankincense

Where are you? Oh, there you are. Under the bed. A drab, insignificant human being, depressed, stupid, and afraid. Your life is yucky.

Say the Sacred Magic Word (the title of this spell). Again. One more time. There you are! You're out! You're a magnificent technicolor superhero or superhera. As wise as Apollo or Athena. As powerful as Thor or Brunhilda. As compassionate as Osiris or Isis. You're ready to do good in the world.

You can do more than battle against hostile aliens from outer space. You can do battle right here against liars and thieves, against evil landlords and corrupt politicians. You can defend the defenseless. You can defang and declaw members of gangs and take their weapons away.

Look around your neighborhood, your city. Who needs help? How can you help them? What good and useful organizations can you work with? Where can you march? Say the magic word. Go into action to help the ordinary people on earth.

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Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D., (Long Beach, California), is a Witch, teacher, and freelance writer.  She holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. ...
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