Potent Sigil Magic

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Thyme

Write down your intention as concisely as possible, then cross out all vowels and repeated consonants. On scratch paper, arrange the remaining letters into a symbol, making sure each letter touches at least one other letter. You can layer letters on top of each other, turn them upside down, etc. For a witchy boost, first transcribe them into a magical alphabet (do an online search for "magical scripts") and then arrange them into a symbol.

The sigil is done when you like the way it looks. Play around with designs until one feels alive and energetically zingy. Tip: Try rotating the paper. Sometimes a sigil will feel blah one way and suddenly light up when you flip it around. You can copy the sigil onto colored card stock using a gold or silver paint pen if you want to get fancy.

Activate your sigil by raising energy (chant, bring yourself to orgasm, dance, etc.) while staring at it, sending energy into the symbol. Place it on your altar, and let it work its magic!

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About Melissa Tipton
Melissa Tipton is a Jungian Witch, Structural Integrator, and founder of the Real Magic Mystery School, where they teach online courses in Jungian Magic, a potent blend of ancient magical techniques and modern psychological insights. They're the author of Living Reiki: Heal Yourself and Transform ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9539