Clear the Way

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel

A regular practice of road-opening magic paves the way for success, both magical and “mundane.” After all, no matter where you’re trying to get to, the smoother the road, the faster your progress. You might use this spell daily for seven consecutive days, starting on a new moon, or at any personally meaningful interval.

Sit in meditation and release tension on your exhales, inviting peace with each inhale. Envision a brilliant star above and a star below, glowing in the core of the earth. Each star emits a column of infinite vertical light, and you are balanced between the above and the below, within this column. Envision light from your heart extending infinitely to the right and left so you are situated at the center of a cross of light. In this place of perfect balance, chant the following as many times as feels right:

The way is clear. My path is sure.

When done, release the mental imagery.

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About Melissa Tipton
Melissa Tipton is a Jungian Witch, Structural Integrator, and founder of the Real Magic Mystery School, where they teach online courses in Jungian Magic, a potent blend of ancient magical techniques and modern psychological insights. They're the author of Living Reiki: Heal Yourself and Transform ...
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