POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Love, AND MORE

Bright Blessings Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Almond

While many of us say “Blessed Be,” one member of my coven always says “Bright Blessings.” I love this saying, and decided to write a spell that carries the intonation and intention of the words.

Bright Blessings I call upon us all.

 May you be bright and

filled with might,

May the good moon inspire

psychic insight,

May you be blessed and

touched with grace,

May the good sun shine

brightly upon your face,

May you be strong,

grounded, and sturdy,

May you be firmly rooted,

connected, and earthy,

May the directions inspire

you to travel far,

May the elements empower

you to be who you are,

May all bright blessings be

bestowed upon thee

To sustain you in wealth,

 health, and prosperity.

Bright Blessings I call upon us all.

Blessed Be.

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