POSTED UNDER Blessing, Home

Blessing and Farewell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

Moving to a new place to live can be emotional, sentimental, and bittersweet all at the same time. When you are in the midst of a transformation, consider performing this blessing and farewell spell after the last box has been removed from your home. This is a way to say goodbye and release the energy of your living space.

Stand silently in the room of your choice and reflect on the memories. Close your eyes and remember a magnificent memory in that space in the past. Think about the events that transpired in that room. Use these words to say farewell to your home’s energy:

I stand and say goodbye to

this space as I prepare to move

to a brand-new place.

The memories will not be left

behind. I will carry the most

precious ones within my mind.

I release the energy as I proceed to go.

I am excited for my new

beginning, I am ready to go.

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Sapphire Moonbeam is a rainbow energy artist, metaphysical jewelry maker, card reader, author, and nature photographer, and has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Sapphire is the artist and author of the Moonbeam Magick oracle card deck. She is a ...
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