Breaking Writer's Block Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli

Today is the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists. On this day, you may do a spell to surmount any creative blocks. To start, hold your arms out to your sides, and turn you head to face your right thumb (if you are right-handed; face your left thumb if you are left handed). Say out loud:

I cannot write any more.

Then turn your head to the opposite thumb and say:

I can write anything at any time.

Repeat for both thumbs two more times. With your eyes open and looking forward, see both of your thumbs in your peripheral vision. Take a deep breath. While exhaling, quickly bring your arms in front of you and cross them. You might feel slightly disoriented for a few seconds, but new writing ideas will emerge.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=983