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How to Attract True Love
by Cyndi Dale - January 2013

My client was so excited to tell me his news that he almost shouted. "This is it," he exclaimed. "I've met my true love, just like you said I could."

I smiled and bopped a quick jig; we were working over the phone, so he had no way of knowing I had no dancing skills. After two bad marriages and infinite dates, my client knew whom he'd spend the rest of his life with.

"How do you know?" I asked, already having a sense of the answer.

"It's hard to explain," he said. "Mainly it's that we're both our true selves with each other. I can be more of my real self because of her, and the same with her."

Who doesn't want to be with their true love? Questions about this romantic yearning eclipse nearly all others that I hear through my intuition and energy healing practice. The full range of related questions are all over the board, to include versions of the following:
  • Why do I keep marrying the same basic person over and over?
  • Why can't I meet anyone?
  • What do I do about my bad marriage? Is there any way to fix it?
  • My soul mate left me, shattered and bruised. I thought they weren't supposed to do this?
  • I'm dating my soul mate but I'm bored. What am I doing wrong?
There are all sorts of related questions but they are all posing the same deep query: Is there true love?

Click here to read the full article.

Back to Top - Author Interview - January 2013

by Llewellyn

1. Your have a new book, Beyond Soul Mates. Your previous books have focused on chakras and energy healing; what inspired you to focus on soul mates and relationships?

Cyndi Dale

I have worked with over 35,000 individual clients during the last twenty-plus years, as well as conducted workshops for thousands of people around the globe. Do you know what topic has garnered the most attention—has been the focus of the most questions asked?


Most often, people are concerned with romantic love. Does he/she love me? Will I ever meet someone? Is there a better person for me than my current spouse? We all desire to be in relationship with that special someone that asks us about our day, and who actually cares about our response; who hugs us when we're down; whose smile makes us smile. For various reasons, this significant love seems rare. It's hard to attract, nourish, hold, or keep. But people constantly ask about other types of relationships as well, usually from the starting point of experiencing difficulties with parents, kids, and other relatives, friends, co-workers, exes, and more.

As an intuitive consultant and healer, I'm frequently in the position of helping people address these relationship concerns. The most profound shifts occur when people shift from being what I call "soul-based," or "karmic," to "true," or "dharmic."

In shorthand, they stop concentrating on their wounds ("karma") and start to focus on their purpose ("dharma").

And you know what? I've watched my own and others' relationships get happier! Bad relationships transform, new and happier ones emerge, friendships become closer…and true love strikes. The formula seems to work.

2. How exactly would you define "soul mate?" Does the term always refer to romantic love?

Click here to read the full interview.

Back to Top - Llewellyn Journal - January 2013

Relationships: 4 Ways to Win the Waiting Game
by Louise Helene and Kim Osborn Sullivan, Ph.D.

Oftentimes, women in particular have questions about relationships, including how to find a good man, knowing when the time is right for marriage, and calling it quits when the relationship isn't working. And what about sitting by the phone, waiting for his call? Louise Helene, psychic advisor and author of I Saw Your Future and He's Not It, offers four activities to help you regain your personal power and confidence...and to make him call.

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Palmistry: 10 Clues You Should Stay Home From Work Today
by Alexandra Chauran

Wouldn't it be great if you could have a warning system in place to let you know when the work day is about to be so brutally horrible that you might as well just stay in bed? Actually, everybody has access to such a warning system, and it lies right in the palm of your hand. Alexandra Chauran, author of Palmistry Every Day, provides 10 clues to look for in your palms to indicate that perhaps you should stay home from work today.

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Practical Qabalah: An Evolutionary Process
by Frater Barrabbas

Why would anyone bother to learn the Qabalah? hat could you possibly gain by studying such a complicated and obscure occult system? Is it even relevant in these post-modern times? Frater Barrabbas, author of Magical Qabalah for Beginners, discusses the power that Qabalah brings to magical and Pagan practices, creating order out of chaos.

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Book of Shadows Journal, by Lo Scarabeo
Book of Shadows Journal
by Lo Scarabeo

Celtic Fairy Journal, by Lo Scarabeo
Celtic Fairy Journal
by Lo Scarabeo

Moon Address Book, by Lo Scarabeo
Moon Address Book
by Lo Scarabeo

Star Address Book, by Lo Scarabeo
Star Address Book
by Lo Scarabeo
Back to Top - Try This! - January 2013

A Candle Ritual for Strengthening Love

The Tantric View of Relationship

The Healing Heart Meditation - New Releases - January 2013

Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment CD, by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment CD Companion
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke &
Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.

Beyond Soul Mates, by Cyndi Dale
Beyond Soul Mates
by Cyndi Dale

I Saw You Future And He's Not It, by Louise Helene with Kim Osborn Sullivan
I Saw Your Future And He's Not It
by Louise Helene
with Kim Osborn Sullivan, Ph.D.

Magical Qabalah for Beginners, by Frater Barrabbas
Magical Qabalah for Beginners
by Frater Barrabbas

Palmistry Every Day, by Alexandra Chauran
Palmistry Every Day
by Alexandra Chauran

Spiritual Lovemaking, by Jody Baron and PeterBeamish
Spiritual Lovemaking
by Jody Baron and Peter Beamish

Wicca Oracle, by Lo Scarabeo
Wicca Oracle
by Lo Scarabeo - Reader's Top Picks - January 2011

  1. Cunningham's Magical Sampler
    by Scott Cunningham

  2. From the Cauldron Born
    by Kristoffer Hughes

  3. Witches Tarot
    by Ellen Dugan & Mark Evans

  4. The Real Witches' Kitchen
    by Kate West

  5. Mysterious Minnesota
    by Adrian Lee

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