1. Your have a new book, Beyond Soul Mates. Your previous
books have focused on chakras and energy healing; what inspired you to
focus on soul mates and relationships?
I have worked with over 35,000 individual
clients during the last twenty-plus years, as well as conducted
workshops for thousands of people around the globe. Do you know what
topic has garnered the most attention—has been the focus of the most
questions asked?
Most often, people are concerned with
romantic love. Does he/she love me? Will I ever meet someone? Is there
a better person for me than my current spouse? We all desire to be in
relationship with that special someone that asks us about our day, and
who actually cares about our response; who hugs us when we're down;
whose smile makes us smile. For various reasons, this significant love
seems rare. It's hard to attract, nourish, hold, or keep. But people
constantly ask about other types of relationships as well, usually from
the starting point of experiencing difficulties with parents, kids, and
other relatives, friends, co-workers, exes, and more.
As an intuitive consultant and healer,
I'm frequently in the position of helping people address these
relationship concerns. The most profound shifts occur when people shift
from being what I call "soul-based," or "karmic," to "true," or
In shorthand, they stop concentrating on
their wounds ("karma") and start to focus on their purpose ("dharma").
And you know what? I've watched my own
and others' relationships get happier! Bad relationships transform, new
and happier ones emerge, friendships become closer…and true love
strikes. The formula seems to work.
2. How
exactly would you define "soul mate?" Does the term always refer to
romantic love?
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the full interview.
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