Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Virgo

1.  The best quality of Virgo is analytical ability. The worst quality is petty criticism. A key phrase is “I analyze.” The Virgo personality is nothing if not practical. You can be attentive to details to the point of obsession. Virgos have encyclopedic memories for detail, and can often recall casual references to minor subjects. You thrive on meticulous examination of the facts, and are able to manipulate statistics easily.

Virgos can take the thoughts and ideas of others and organize you into a working whole. Your orderly approach to most subjects insures that you will not overlook any significant information in your pursuit of an answer to a question. Once you have completed an analysis, you can seem to be arbitrary in your decisions. Never think, though, that you have not considered the question first. Virgos can be ingenious at dissecting a problem to get to the heart of a matter.

Virgos are worldly. You understand the nature of material reality. You are fastidious about your own appearance, and often have orderly homes, offices, and vehicles. Virgos make good followers, but as you progress through life you accumulate the knowledge and experience to make you good leaders. Your analytical style does not have the flamboyant energy of the Leo, unless you have planets in Leo, but your dependability and honesty are strong management traits. Virgos tend to judge by results.

The Virgo disposition is discerning and critical. You are able to discriminate among diverse offerings and identify the best and worst qualities in people or things. You inquire into the why and how of things as much as into the concrete facts of what, where, and when. Generally economical in decision-making, you tend to buy quality and then keep it.
SOURCE:  What Astrology Can Do for You, Stephanie Clement
2.  The Modifier
Key Phrase: I ANALYZE

Virgo’s expression is practical, neat, and precise, with a high degree of analytical ability. The Mutable Earth sign of the zodiac, Virgo prefers an approach to life which makes sense, and can be uncomfortable in the face of frivolity. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s mental energy tends toward problem-solving. This is the quality of methodical, painstaking attention to detail, which when carried to extremes can become overly critical, nit-picking, and tedious. But without Virgo qualities we would have no precision tools, and find ourselves trudging through a wasteland of disorganized ideas! Symbolized by the Virgin with Sheaves of Wheat, Virgo represents the harvest, and the importance of applied knowledge and effort. Virgo’s worst form arises in self-deprecating insecurity and general (although sometimes pointed) intolerance. Where you see Virgo in the chart, there is a need for perfection and efficiency.
SOURCE:  The Truth About Astrology, Gloria Star
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