Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Chrysanthemum September means back-to-school or back-to-work after half-day Fridays, long weekends, and long vacations. For good luck, I always wore a tartan dress on the first day of school. The different colors symbolized the different elements woven together to create a whole. Since September is often a time of fresh starts, a fresh start for prosperity is often needed. You can try this prosperity spell using the good luck symbol of my childhood. Make a small pouch out of a piece of tartan. Use whatever tartan has meaning for you, either because it represents your clan or you simply like the colors. I tend to use one that is predominantly green, for prosperity. Put in a dollar coin, a whole nutmeg seed, and a sprig of rosemary in the bag. Bless and consecrate the bag in the name of your favorite prosperity deity, and carry it with you for three Moons. Be aware of new opportunities to manifest abundance. At the end of three months, throw the nutmeg seed and the rosemary into moving water. Put the coin and the bag in a safe place. You can use it as the basis for another tartan money spell next year, starting with two coins. You've already prospered. |
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