Today is Saturday. Astrologers tell us that Saturn is associated with restrictions and limitations. Not necessarily. This early Roman god of planting and harvest was King of the Golden Age, an ancient era of peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. We're living in the Iron Age today, but the news media keep reporting stories that make the world seem like it's fallen into a Leaden Age and is swiftly sinking deeper into an abyss of war and ignorance.
Let's help the world recover its lost golden qualities and climb back toward the Golden Age. Carry a gold coin in your wallet or pocket. Keep black tourmaline on your altar for grounding and centering, and agates for strength, courage, and healing. Wear turquoise for peace of mind, creativity, and intuition. Starting today, honor old King Saturn by actively following the Wiccan Rede. Practice loving-kindness and donate your time and money to worthy organizations. |
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