POSTED UNDER Autumn, Equinox, Mabon, AND MORE

Spell: Aurora Australis Enchantment

Color of the Day
Incense of the Day

The aurora australis is the southern lights found in the Southern Hemisphere, similar to the aurora borealis of the Northern Hemisphere. And just like their Nordic cousins, the southern lights look like multicoloured angel wings streaking across the sky. The aurora australis is best seen in August and September, around the time of the spring equinox, which in the north would be Mabon or the autumnal equinox. These amazing lights bring the potential for creativity and signify individuality. They show us the beauty and fragility of us all and help to remind us that we are here for such a short time, just like the lights of the aurora australis.

If you want the lights to appear and you are under southern skies, cast a spell of appearance and ask them to appear. Due to the rarity of the lights, it is a great time to do magic and spellwork, as anything in magic that is a one-off or once-in-a-lifetime event brings such power to it that the energy can be harnessed and stored for future work. Capture this energy by simply drawing it into some salt and/or water in a bowl underneath the rare celestial event.

Here is an appearance spell for the aurora australis. Go outside at twilight and raise your hands to the sky, forming a Y shape with your arms and body, and say:

Blessed lights of southern skies,

Appear to me before my eyes.

Upon this night and for a week,

Shine your beauty for all to seek.

Afterward, meditate for a while and imagine the lights streaking across the sky. When they do appear, remember to harness all that energy.


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About Tudorbeth
Tudorbeth is the principal of the British College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and teaches courses on witchcraft. She is the author of numerous books, including The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and A Spellbook for the Seasons (Eddison Books, 2019). Tudorbeth is a hereditary ...

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