Tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox, a time we seek balance in our lives as we stand at the threshold between the light half of the year and the dark half, and a time to appreciate the harvest – reaping whatever we have sown this year.

Today I give thanks for my wonderful job here at Llewellyn. Sure, it has its ups and downs, like all jobs – that’s just part of the balancing act that is life – but there is nothing like the feeling of holding a new book in your hands. It is the fruit of many months of labor, many long meetings, a few road bumps, much communication with the author, and piles of paperwork. Yet, somehow, there it is, the collective work of many people coming together in material form, fresh from the warehouse – and it is magical.

Last week I reaped the rewards of a combined 24 months of work, 10 separate meetings, and an untold number of emails and phone calls – with the arrival of two books written by authors who are very dear to me. It really made me pause in an otherwise excessively non-stop busy day, and just smile as I flipped through the pages. I’m sure that authors feel even more emotional about receiving their books, but it’s a great and rewarding feeling for me too – no matter how many new books have landed on my desk, it’s always exciting.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to infomercial out on you – I will just tell you the books that arrived yesterday are Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan and The Witch’s Coin by Christopher Penczak. If you’re interested, click on the links or watch for them in bookstores about a month from now. (Distribution takes time, you know!)

As a company, Llewellyn is also reaping the rewards of long months, if not years, of work in developing this new website which will be our virtual home for many years to come. We are grateful that it’s beautiful, easy to navigate, and of course gives us this excellent opportunity to connect with our readers directly through these blogs.

What will you be reaping this Mabon? What makes you smile inside with a satisfied sense of accomplishment? Please share your happy thoughts and reasons for being grateful here. Did you buy a house? Have a baby? Plant an organic garden? Save a cat from a shelter? Finally get up the guts to tell someone how you feel? Think of this as an online gratitude journal for Pagans, and share your joy here with others!

Written by Elysia
Elysia is the Senior Acquisitions Editor for Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan, and magickal books at Llewellyn. She has been with Llewellyn since 2005 and a fan for much longer. ...