Monogamous or Polygamous?
If you are reading this, I assume you are a tarot reader or at least a tarot enthusiast. (Or perhaps you were lured in by my clever title for this
entry.) If you are a tarotist, do you use only tarot cards? I suppose we could take that further…do you use only one deck? If so, which one and why? But actually, what I really want to know is if you use other divination tools.
I have played with oracles and like them just fine every now and again. Mostly I like them as an accessory for a tarot reading. My collection of pendulums is frighteningly large, and yet I never have felt comfortable actually using them. Crystal balls (I have a small one), a scrying mirrors, and gazing bowls enchant the heck out of me. I have sat by my window on the night of a new moon and gazed and gazes and got absolutely nothing. The idea of these items is so romantic and mysterious that I am determined to be successful, which I kind of think guarantees that I won’t be. My friend and colleague Corrine Kenner loves runes. But she has a sharp wit, which I think is necessary to use runes.
Do you use more than one deck or other divinatory tools? If you do, do you use them in conjunction with your tarot cards?
Would you be interested in exploring any other tool besides tarot on this blog?
I am officially signed up as MysticFaerie. Yesterday I started some character development and plot ideas.
I’m using Corrine’s book and the Lo Scarabeo Tarot for basic foundation stuff–general character identification and general plot.
The Fey Tarot for character development.
The Sweet Twilight for detailed plot creation.
Haven’t decided on a deck for the setting yet.
I plan on letting the cards shape the entire story. Over the weekend, I’ll scan and post the cards I’ve drawn so far and maybe include some of my notes and ideas. Let me know if this is something you are interested in following.
Should I remind you again to enter the Sweet Twilight contest? Of course I should. Even if you’ve already entered, you should check out the all the interesting comments.
It’s amazing that this post comes the morning after I decide to put away all those other methods in order to focus more intently on learning tarot. I felt like everything was getting too distracting for me and my focus was watered down. I kept getting lured away from serious study by the shiny baubles. I, too, have a good collection of pendulums, Runes, oracle cards, I Ching, etc. I feel very drawn to each of them. Luckily, my wife is supportive of my habit! I have used Runes to further explain a tarot reading, and I like that combination. But for now, I think I have to put some things on the shelf to get more focused. Thank you, Barbara, for another excellent post.
I have two decks at home, my original Rider-Waite and my new medieval Scapini. I am still adjusting to the Scapini but I get good results from my Rider-Waite. In addition to these, I also have a divination board and pendulum. I use them together at times, in hopes of getting true clarity. But, I get the best resolve from my cards.
Yep, i thought this was gonna be about sex magic! But, i have two decks, Rider-Waite and Morgan Greer. i like the more traditional cards, but i’d like to learn Grimassi’s Well Worn Path also.
Barbara, just discovered the blog and am getting caught up. I’ve used pendulums, spirit boards and runes. I have the Lord of the Rings Oracle kit, but have yet to use it.
My best results have always been with tarot. For example, I tried making runes with Sculpy, but they came out the size of biscuits! This is probably why I paint- it’s easy to cover up mistakes! I defintely don’t have the still habds required for cropping.