Again, please welcome guest blogger Sharon Leah to Guided by the Stars! Sharon works with Llewellyn’s Calendars and Almanacs in our Production department. She is also certified by the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) in interpretation of basic natal and forecasting techniques.

The public’s opinion on a public health care option has shifted in the past couple of weeks. According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released October 19, a majority of Americans now support a public government-run health care option. This news comes during the final days of Saturn’s journey through Virgo, the sign associated with health and public service. On October 29, Saturn slips into Libra.

Saturn represents structure, and Saturn’s presence in a sign brings attention to the things associated with that sign that need to be examined. This is true in both our personal lives and on the universal level. For example, if Saturn is transiting through the third house in your birth chart, you may be aware that your method or means of communication and transportation need to change in some significant way. Or perhaps you have already decided to stop driving your car and use public transportation instead to get to work, because it is easier, more efficient, or less expensive. If Saturn is transiting the tenth house in your birth chart, you may have received additional work-related responsibilities that are manageable only because you restructured—organized—how you spend time and what you spend time on. Saturn encourages a barebones, get it done now and get it done right attitude. Wherever Saturn is by transit in your birth chart, you will notice tension that pushes you to examine how you have structured things in that area.

The health care debate is ongoing, but Saturn’s two-year transit through Virgo has brought health care reform to our attention in a big way. Astrologers often add a cautionary note when discussing Saturn, which is to say that if we refuse to release what is not working, the challenges we face just get worse until we learn whatever it is we’re supposed to learn, or learn to let go. Believe me, Saturn will be behind whatever it is that feels like a good rap on the knuckles from the universe, but the ringed planet would give you a pat on the back for achievement if it could, because achieving more with less is also one of its hallmarks.

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...