Born on August 22 (I won’t disclose the year), I was born on the cusp of the sun signs Leo and Virgo. I chose to enter this world at 7:15 am on that particularly hot day. That said, I was born almost a full four weeks premature; had I been born on my original planned date of September 22 (or even twelve hours later, for that matter), I would have been fully ensconced in the life of a Virgo.

virgoFor years, I could never understand why, if not truly a Virgo, I acted so much like one? I’m a perfectionist, extremely detail-oriented, and a hypochondriac to the extreme. My hair is not a mane of flowing locks, I suffer from severe stage fright, and I prefer to go relatively unnoticed. Once I learned a bit about astrology and took a peek at my chart, it occurred to me: not only was my Ascendant in Virgo, but my moon was in Virgo!

While your sun sign can be a great tool to understand your outer traits and talents, your moon sign has insight into your inner workings, and what keeps you going on a deeper level. The key to a healthy and happy life lies in balancing these two forces in your life.

We’ve got a great article, written by one of our contributors to our calendars and almanacs, that describes what each moon sign needs for sustenance and balance.

For me, I find that when I get upset, I tend to clean. Now, my house is already Virgo-spotless, but I find myself going through old files, donating unworn clothes, and just generally getting rid of unused and unnecessary items.

How do you feed your moon sign?

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...