All a Twitter Over Tarot
We asked our Twitter followers a few questions about their first Tarot deck and giving decks as gifts. We had such a great response and enjoyed reading their tweets so we thought we would post them here for everyone to see and comment on.
Join the conversation here and follow us on Twitter as @LlewellynBooks.
Question #1: Did you buy your 1st #tarot deck or was it a gift?
GreenTrinity @LlewellynBooks Gift..then I got rid of that and got what i wanted lol
ellyKat @LlewellynBooks I got a “novelty deck” as a gift which piqued my interest, then I later bought my own. I feel connected to both equally.
byteofreality @LlewellynBooks Bought my first #tarot deck, but my preferred deck was happened upon by chance as an shipping error from Italy 🙂
korbeau @LlewellynBooks I was never sure if i decide to brought my first #tarot deck or is my tarot deck decide to be brought by me.
Maelbrigda @LlewellynBooks i bought mine – the mythic tarot. second deck, hanson-roberts was a gift, subsequent decks i have bought
AsWithin @LlewellynBooks Mine was a gift, but I have never felt attuned to it.
ladywildcat13 @LlewellynBooks I bought my first deck when I was 15, still have them J
Jeweldspear @LlewellynBooks Gift,,, I had always heard that #tarot decks are best when they are received as gifts.
ElvenJedi @LlewellynBooks Very first was a gift, but I couldn’t read it and bought a simpler one that I use more.
Chorazin @LlewellynBooks Bought it!
Firemau RT @LlewellynBooks: Did you buy your 1st #tarot deck or was it a gift?I had someone give me one and have been hooked.
deborahblake @LlewellynBooks I bought my first deck and I’m still using it, all these years later (I read professionally)
ArtemisIII @LlewellynBooks My first one was a gift from my youngest brother. But I pretty much pointed it out to him and said “this!” LOL
topazcat11 @LlewellynBooks Did you buy your 1st #tarot deck or was it a gift?< Bought 31 yrs ago. Never rec’d one as a gift. Deck should speak to you.
xSanctusAnimus @LlewellynBooks 1st was a gift from my(now x) boss. The one I have now is just as insightful, if not more, so I think it’s the Universe, not me
FPW_Consulting @LlewellynBooks my first deck was a Christmas present for my brother, but wound up in my pile of gifts, I was 15.
Question #2: Is this true? What do you think?RT @Jeweldspear: Gift… I had always heard that #tarot decks are best when they are received as gifts.
Rowan366 @LlewellynBooks I too heard it was better for Tarot cards to be a gift. My mother gave me my first set.
sarahdiemer Yes! 🙂 RT @LlewellynBooks What do you think? RT @Jeweldspear: I had always heard that #tarot decks are best when they are received as gifts
staceyigraham @LlewellynBooks I bought my first deck over twenty years ago and use it as my “working deck” for clients. Love it!
calicocado @LlewellynBooks I bought it myself, and now have several
Miss__Tina @LlewellynBooks Yes, purchasedfor me by my father in SF in 1966.
Miss__Tina @LlewellynBooks The deck cost about $3, as I recall.
korbeau @LlewellynBooks @Jeweldspear The best tarot deck is the one that inspire your very soul.
WickedlyLuvly @LlewellynBooks that’s what I’ve heard also.
PsychicBarbP @LlewellynBooks not necessarily…I believe a deck should ‘talk’ to you & choose you
megan23451 @LlewellynBooks My ex-girlfriend bought me my first deck, the Dragon Tarot. It’s still around – but she’s not! 🙂
ElvenJedi @LlewellynBooks I have heard that too, but I also think it’s as much about what you put in them as it is what you get out of them.
mikelking RT they are best when you make your own @LlewellynBooks What do you think? @Jeweldspear: Gift #tarot decks are best when received as gifts.
robinivy @LlewellynBooks I bought all of mine Mythic, Ryder, and Morgan Greer but I have bought some as gifts for others
Question #3: Any1 else have UR 1st deck? RT @deborahblake: I bought my first deck and I’m still using it, all these years later (I read professionally)
TAROTGUILD @LlewellynBooks I still have my first deck,an original WS. I don’t read with, it’s kept safe. I got the Universal Waite #Tarot (cont….)
TAROTGUILD @LlewellynBooks …shortly after and unsed that same deck until I got the Llewellyn Deck. I use the LL and now also the Legacy deck now.
OnyxWolf @LlewellynBooks I felt no connection to my first deck. A little bit of a bummer, I wanted to have an instant connection :-/
XMiSSJeSSecAX @LlewellynBooks lol I keep giving mine away… Have started working on making my own deck
Kyttin @LlewellynBooks the deck I consider my “1st” I got myself n I still have it n I’m still “young” in readings n such that I still need my bk
Kyttin @LlewellynBooks cont. Which I don’t have ne more 🙁
plaidearthworm @LlewellynBooks I think my first Tarot deck hated me! Always received negative spreads. My new one from a friend is much better.
plaidearthworm @LlewellynBooks Although not Tarot, I still adore my Medicine Card deck, have used it for many, many years.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by llewellynbooks: Thx 4 sharing yr thoughts on 1st #tarot decks & gving decks as gifts. We’ve posted yr replies on R Tarot Pathways blog…