Since I wrote the text for this one, it focuses on what I think about The Moon. I actually hadn’t looked at this text in a few years. I am surprised to see how unchanged my thoughts are about the moon, for I really think this sums it up nicely (for me).

mystic faerie

“The Moon fae’s illumination is enchanting and beguiling for those who keep their wits about them. It can be deceptive and dangerous for those who are less careful. Surrounded by daisies, she appears as simple and clear as sunlight. While she can seem either troublesome or charming, she is really neither or both—her effect is based entirely on our perception of her.

“Her wolf companion shows how our animal nature is attracted to and stirred up by her presence. In fact, just as wolves are compelled ot react to the moon in the night sky, so too does a part of the human psyche. We act more intuitively, we dream more vividly, we feel more deeply.

“She sits on a stone carved with crayfish, an unlikely symbol for a Moon fae. But remember, things are not as they seem. A crayfish has long represented a creature that has crawled out of the water—our subconscious—and it is something that we fear.

“In the magical light of the Moon, wild wolves and monstrous crayfish can appear beautiful, and simple daisies can seem threatening. And that is the danger—not seeing what really is. The Moon fae gives neither dream nor nightmares. She light the world, and we see whatever we choose to see.”

For now, our parade of Moons is done. Which were your favorites? What are some of your favorites that weren’t shown here, and why?

Next month, I’ve selected another card to explore and I expect some interesting conversations!

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...