Although I haven’t quite figured out how I will fold this technique into my regular reading practice, this was one of my very favorite activities of this year’s Readers Studio (and you’ll hear more about why tomorrow). It would work well, I think, with a small group of friends who know tarot or who are willing to open up their intuitive selves or with a Tarot Meet Up group.

To begin, Mary K. Greer, the master teacher for this workshop, had everyone form groups of exactly five people. Once we had our group, we pulled our chairs together into a very tight circle so that our knees were touching. Although awkwardly intimate at first, this helped establish connection and, well, intimacy that made the experience all the more magical and meaningful.

We went around the circle asking and answering questions. The key is to answer quickly, taking generally no more than 30 seconds per answer (although some were allotted more time). We sometimes went in one direction and sometimes in another, per Mary’s direction. At one point we got up and changed seats so that we had new people on either side.

Each person in the circle had a deck of tarot cards fanned out on their lap. The first person (person A) turned to the person on their right (person B) and asked a question, any question they wanted. Person B pulls a card from any of the tarot decks in the circle and answers the question posed by Person A with the first thing that catches her eye in the card. Then Person B turns to Person C and asks a question, and so on until Mary called time.

Other prompts included:

Describing the card in second person, present tense.

To have Person A ask the question silently, and Person B answering with something suggested on the card.

Answering the question with a question based on the card.

Answering the question with one word based on the card.

Answering the question with strong advice, “You should….” based on the card.

Answering the question with either “yes, if…,” “no, if …,” or “maybe, if ….”

And my very favorite:

Person A asks a question. Person B pulls a card but DOES NOT look at it, answers the question however she likes, and returns the card to the deck with no one having looked at it.

How would you incorporate this into your regular readings? Can you see yourself trying it with a group?

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...