Isaac Bonewits’ Health
For those of you interested in the current health situation of Isaac, here is the word from his wife, Phaedra, as of June 11, 2010:
“He is not well. He was in the hospital for about 10 days & came home Monday. They gave him an ostomy to relieve stress on his anal tumors, but for the tumors themselves, there really isn’t much more they can do.
“He’s too weak to go back on chemo. If he fattens up and strengthens, they’ll consider one more round with some new meds. But it would be very hard on him.
“This morning we had a visit from the local hospice. Much to my relief, they will do a tremendous amount for us, including managing pain meds, ostomy supplies, visits from a nurse and a home health aid and even a hospital bed. The fact that we are even talking to these folks should give you an idea about where things are at.
“Kirk Thomas, the current Arch Druid of ADF will be here this weekend to do some hands-on healing. I hope it works. I hope I can call hospice next week and cancel everything. That is my hope, and that is Isaac’s hope. But I am preparing for the worst.”
It is my hope that all people reading this will send him love and their best wishes.
I’ve heard from a few people who had loved ones reacting terribly to chemo: maybe medical marijuana? It might increase his appetite and settle his stomach, and he might then gain some weight.
I am very sorry to hear of Isaac’s condition and second what Kyle suggests above if that is at all possble. It helps with nauseau and increases the appetite.