Vibration, Magick, and the Art of Shaving
I really don’t like shaving, but I like the feeling of a smooth face, so I do it. I’ve tried about every shaver, manual and electric. They each seem to do a good job in certain areas and have problems with others.
In a nearby shopping mall there is a store just for shaving products, including their own. I love their sandalwood shaving cream in a jar. It’s expensive, but it lasts about 15-20 times longer than cans of cream or gel and works better for me (it’s better for the environment, too). Recently, I stopped in to pick up a new tube of shaving cream for when I travel.
They had on display a new multi-bladed razor that was about to come out. I asked about it and they told me its features. The new razor came with one of two handles, a regular one and a “power” one. This latter one used a battery and vibrated slightly when you turn it on. I asked if it really worked. I was told that it does. The vibration supposedly sets up the hairs for easy shaving. Then, they gave me proof of this.
Following their directions, I used the razor without the vibrator on their glass counter. It moved as I expected with a bit of a rubber against rubber feel due to friction. Then I turned on the vibrator and did the same action. It slid over the counter like it was, well, glass.
Frankly, I thought that the vibrator was just causing the razor to slightly bounce and then glide over microscopic bumps on the glass. However, when the new razor came out, instead of buying the manual version I got the power version. The result when I tried the new razor: the best shave I’ve ever given myself.
It is an occult truism that the universe is made of vibration. After thousands of years, Western science seems to be agreeing, explaining the nature of the universe with “Wave Theory” (at the very least in the understanding of light). Things vibrate at different frequencies. When they vibrate in the range where we can hear them (between about 20 and 20,000 repetitions per second) and have certain relationships with each other, we call the sounds harmonious. Otherwise, they are out of harmony. To our ears, harmony is good and lack of harmony (what you frequently hear at Karaoke bars) is not good.
There are two striking physical laws of vibration that deal with qualities known as resonance. The first is that if a a sound has a frequency that is harmonious to the frequency of an object, the object will increase the volume and duration of the sound. The typical example of this is singing in a shower. Certain notes you sing will just boom out. It’s a natural type of amplification.
The other law is that if something produces a sound that is harmonious to something else, that second object will start to produce the sound itself. The traditional example of this is that if you play a note on a violin next to a piano (an acoustic piano with its top open), strings in the piano that match or
are in harmony with the violin note will begin to vibrate and sound their notes, too.
I hope you can see the implications in this. If you can use sound—your voice— to create certain pitches and sounds, the universe—as a result of the natural laws of vibration, harmony, and resonance—will create or amplify in harmony with your vibration. If you create health and peace with sound, the universe will return it to you amplified or increased. The sounds you make don’t even require a meaning.
I describe some of these concepts in Modern Magick. I even talk about the concept of using just your mind to create the vibration, using what is called the “great voice.” There are some other books that deal with this concept, too. Goddess Aloud! goes into it as does one of my favorites, Magic, Power, Language, Symbol (although you really should read Postmodern Magic first). Still, the real power of using sound to create things has usually been left to more Eastern practitioners of magick. Perhaps some more books on the subject for Westerners should be written. What do you think?
I agree that sound should be utilized more, but sometimes it is very tough. For those of us that live with others and/or in big cities (and, thus, in apartment buildings), getting the proper vibration with the right volume can be tough.
Using the “great voice” helps, or sometimes even just being moderately loud. I do wish, though, I had more opportunities to burst out with a loud sound. It does feel better!
I have lived in NYC my whole life and have been utilizing some of DMK’s vibrational techniques from his Modern Magick since around 1989… with practice, you should find that some of your personal vocal vibrations will harmonize with lower volume so you won’t appear to be “that crazy neighbor”. Of course, I started practicing my vocalizing whenever my parents were out of the house so I could be “exuberant” but eventually I was able to get a “good vibration” going at lower decibels with a healthy dose of “great voice” work… eventually, I started “vibrating” while walking across my college’s campus without people knowing. If someone needs to start out “loud”, I usually suggest finding a public park where there are people practicing Tai Chi or sparring or somesuch… you won’t seem so “weird” making noise and motions in public… that should help give you the practice to find the sounds and vibrations that work well for you; then you can start to “tone them down” for close quarters vibrating.
However, I must agree with you… bursting out with a loud sound can definitely feel great!
I believe it was “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra that first exposed me to the idea that everything in the universe is made of energy vibrating at different frequencies. It was always an easy concept for me to grasp, though I notice that it’s still a completely alien idea to just about everyone I’ve tried to explain it to. I guess it’s when I begin trying to convince them of the possibility that ghosts and spirits are actual living entities that are usually vibrating at too high of a frequency for our third-dimensional organs to see or hear. At that point most people completely shut down so I try to keep these concepts to myself.
I still wonder about saying certain things out loud during my rituals. I definitely feel something when vibrating the Hebrew names and words of power. It’s when I say all of the words and phrases in English when I wonder if there are actual angels or archangels listening to me.
TT, I believe you are right. All item in this universe are made of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Thanks to part of Nelson Law in physics.