This is the concluding part
of a three-part series discussing
the pendulum and how to use it for magick.

For information on the contest to
win a free pendulum, read on to the end of this post.

In the first post of this series I described a little of the history of the pendulum as well as how it works. In the second post of this series I described the basics of using a pendulum, including how to hold it, how to calibrate it, and how to get answers to questions you ask it. Before going on I would suggest that you read those two posts again (or for the first time).

The key to using a pendulum for magick is to understand how it works. And that means first understanding the difference between the conscious and unconscious.

The Conscious and Unconscious Minds

The conscious mind observes everything you’re doing and thinking. That’s it. As soon as you think about something it’s in your conscious mind. It’s actually very limited and can only do a few things at one time. Your unconscious mind controls everything else. Everything from your pulse and respiration rates to the flow of hormones and the triggering of muscles so you can walk and balance to keep you from falling are controlled by the unconscious. It used to be believed that there was no way to control many of these so-called autonomic aspects of your being. Now it’s known that there are techniques for doing this. One technique for doing this is called biofeedback.


When you go to a doctor you may get hooked up to a device that simply records your brainwaves or the beats of your heart. Such devices indicate temperature, blood pressure, etc. Biofeedback devices can help train you to make changes in these things, such as reducing anxiety or lowering your blood pressure. Such devices allow for bilateral communications with your unconscious and can even allow you program the unconscious. For example, a simple device known as a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter shows the amount of electrical capacitance in your skin. This is usually indicated with a visual signal or a sound. You can consciously work to move the visual signal or change the tone of the sound. This programs the unconscious to change the capacitance of your skin.

It was discovered that stress and anxiety are directly related to the capacitance of your skin. This interrelationship is something that occurs unconsciously. But you can use a GSR device to train yourself to alter the capacitance of your skin. The result is that with a few minutes of training your unconscious using a GSR—biofeedback—you can lower anxiety and stress. This can also lower your blood pressure. GSR devices sell for anywhere from far under $50 to way over $1,000 depending upon sensitivity, accuracy, brand, features, etc.

Just as you can use an inexpensive GSR device to lower stress, anxiety and blood pressure, you can use another biofeedback device, a pendulum, to program the unconscious to create something on the astral plane. And as I wrote in the first post of this series, “whatever you create on the astral plane must eventually manifest on the physical plane.” That is the very essence of magick!

Unconscious Doesn’t Mean Stupid

Merely because you don’t normally have awareness of communications between your conscious and unconscious doesn’t mean the unconscious mind is stupid. However, it does indicate a few things. First, you have to know how to speak to it and second you have to listen to it.

A key to programming the unconscious is to understand that it doesn’t play well with negatives. If you tell it, “I don’t want to be sick,” it thinks you mean “I want to be sick.” So stick with positives concepts. In this example, instead of “I don’t want to be sick,” you might use “I want to be healthy.”

Another key is that the unconscious will do what you tell it…literally. And it can be kind of lazy. If you just try to program it with “I want to be healthy,” its probably response is “That’s nice. Let’s take a nap.” It has no idea when you want to achieve health. So give a date for achieving your goal.

A third key is reality. If you were very sick and needed ten days of antibiotics, but tried to program your unconscious to have you perfectly healthy by 5:00 tonight, your unconscious would laugh it off. “Yeah, right!” it would be thinking. So be realistic as to what your unconscious can achieve. Give it achievable goals with realistic times for achieving those goals. It’s your mind, not God.

And the fourth key is to trust your unconscious. It knows how long things will take to accomplish, so ask it! Here’s how:

Basic Pendulum Magick

With this information, we’re ready to begin. Here we go.

Step One: Relax and center yourself.

Step Two: Perform a banishing.

(I suggest using the Relaxation Ritual and LBRP from my Modern Magick.)

Step Three: Calibrate your pendulum according to the directions in my second post in this series.

Step Four: Do a divination. Ask the pendulum, “Is it advisable to do magick to __________?” Assuming you get a positive answer, continue on.

Step Five: Ask advice from the unconscious. Word your questions carefully. Use the pendulum as described in the last post to learn:

Do you know what to do to achieve ______(your magickal goal)____?

Will it take days? Weeks? Months? (Give the pendulum a chance to answer)

How many days/weeks/months will it take?

Will you do it in ______days/weeks/months_____?

Through this questioning you’ve discovered if your unconscious can and will do it and how long it will take.

Step Six: Tell your unconscious “Start doing everything you need to do to achieve _____(the goal)__________ in _X_ number of  ____days/weeks/months_____. Give me a ‘Yes’ sign when you finish putting everything into motion.”

Wait until you get the yes, then repeat the banishing. Finish by recording your ritual in your magickal diary as described in Modern Magick.

And that’s it! Of course, you’d have to ask other questions if you don’t get positive answers to determine why your unconscious won’t do something. But it’s really that simple. Your unconscious will put everything into motion that will result in achieving your goals.

Give it a try and let me know what happens.

The Contest Continues

Win a Free Quartz Crystal Pendulum!

I’d like to thank the dozens of people who have already entered this contest!

If you haven’t entered, make your entry now. Everyone still has a chance to win.

The Prize: The prize for this contest is a magnificent, quartz crystal pendulum. The bob is made of pure quartz, and although I don’t have a jeweler’s loupe, I can’t see see any flaws or inclusions. Although this is not a picture of the one you will receive, it looks very much like it and I think the prize is better shaped. The crystal is about 1″ long and about 3/4″ at it’s widest. The silver-tone chain is over 8.5 inches long.How to Win: Winning is easy! All you have to do is write in the comments to one of these three posts on Pendulum Magick the purpose you have for using a pendulum for magick. As usual, there are some rules:

  1. No more than 100 words
  2. Only one entry per person
  3. Entry must be made within four days following the posting of the third entry in this series of blog posts
  4. There is only one judge, me, and the decision of the judge, me, is final
  5. Therefore, in order to assure fairness, no employees of Llewellyn or people who personally know me are eligible to win. You may certainly add comments, but you cannot win the prize.

What I’m looking for: Originality. The most original use of a pendulum for magick will win. I can tell you right now that sob stories from people who consider themselves “victims” won’t stand a chance. Since I have no way to check the truth of your entry, you may as well be creative and have fun…but don’t go over 100 words.

CLOSING DATE: This contest will end Friday, July 23, at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time. The winner will be announced as soon as he or she can be contacted.

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...