Tarot shelves at bookstores are filled with beginner level books. Do we really need so many? Aren’t they all essentially the same?

I think we do need so many and that they are not essentially the same. First, they all differ in terms of voice and presentation. People learn differently and respond better to some styles of communication than to others. Every author has his or her own voice and way of explaining things. Second, not every tarot reader interprets or reads the cards in the same way. By seeing that there are so many different methods and schools of thought, new readers are encouraged to explore until they find what works for them.

This month we have looked at 7 different books that might be appropriate for beginners. We end with one final book called Tarot for Beginners by yours truly.

This book takes three distinct steps in learning tarot. Its overall goal is to help the reader become a confident reader in the easiest, most efficient way possible—while having some fun too! First, it shows readers different areas they should consider and be clear on before beginning a tarot study. I think this is extremely important:

The tarot is a mirror, and a tarot reading is a reflection of one’s worldview, a glimpse of a belief system. This is true whether the reader and the querent are aware of it or not. However, we may as well be aware of our predispositions and use the tarot in a way that complements them rather than works against them. By applying this practice of using the cards in a way that reflects our personal beliefs, we really can’t say we don’t believe in tarot cards. The tarot cards are just cards, after all. It is how we use them that matters.

The next step is to understand the core meaning of each card. It’s like learning the alphabet; these core meanings are the building blocks of deeper, richer, more complex meanings.

After the ABC’s, there are three chapters with activities to build on the foundation created by the core meanings…here is where we start moving into the art of tarot reading.

This book probably falls somewhere between How to Read the Tarot or Easy Tarot and Tarot 101 or Simple Fortunetelling. Of course, I think it is a great book for a brand-spanking new tarot novice with a particularly approachable and charming voice. If you read it, let me know if you agree!

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...