Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Sara Wiseman, author of Your Psychic Child and Writing the Divine.

If you’ve got psychic kids, you know it. Or do you? One of the things that’s interesting about psychic abilities and spiritual gifts in kids, is that sometimes, these abilities look like something else entirely.

For example, sometimes psychic abilities in children and teens look like:

  • daydreaming
  • spacing out
  • fantasy
  • lack of attention
  • lack of motivation
  • extreme sensitivity
  • fearfulness

After all, when your child is actively accessing another layer or level of reality—a place where her or she is easily clairvoyant, clairaudient, able to work with healing energies, able to communicate with spirit guides and/or the departed, or able to understand profound spiritual concepts with ease—well, it can be difficult to integrate this into everyday life of doing homework, making the bed, and eating your veggies.

I know, because I’ve been there.

I’m not like most psychics out there—I wasn’t born with my abilities. Instead, I opened into them after a number of not-particularly-pleasant experiences including a NDE (near death experience), the death of my father, and my own divorce.

I wasn’t all that happy to open either—after my first experience with spirit guides, I asked “them” to please not come back! They did leave me alone for four more years…but when they came back, it was extreme: I received The 33 Lessons (Writing the Divine) in channeled writing over a period of a few months, an experience that awakened me fully as channel, then expanded into clairvoyance, energy healing, mediumship… and the expansion continues.

One day I was a Catholic soccer mom, packing school lunches, volunteering for the parent club, carpooling to weekend tournaments… you get the picture. The next, I was most definitely NOT.

And, when I looked around as my new psychic self, I immediately saw that the four children at my knee (okay, a few of them were practically to my shoulder by then) well, … they were psychic, too. More importantly, they had been psychic, this whole time. I just hadn’t been able to see it, until my own eyes were opened.

And then… I began to notice more. Those kids on the soccer field? The spikers at volleyball? The little cherubs at choir practice? Well, loads of them were psychic too. In fact, the more I looked, the more I saw that there was a whole new type of child emerging. This new generation… they’re nothing like us! They’re also well beyond Indigos, or Crystalline, or any of the other names used in these past decades.

These new kids are lighter, brighter, miles more evolved. They can do psychic tasks with ease. They are clairvoyant, clairaudient. They are natural energy healers. They have an amazing understanding of the universe and its workings—and it’s not because they’ve been taught this stuff. They just know it.

More importantly, they need our support. As a mom and parenting journalist, I knew how to raise healthy, happy kids. Now, when I gazed at the psychic and spiritually gifted kids around me, it was clear—the more we know as parents, grandparents, mentors and teachers, the more we can help them.

Your Psychic Child teaches parents how to support their kids—what they need to know about how this stuff works, what they need to know about what their child is experiencing, and what they need to know if their child experiences a psychic or spiritual rough spot.

Even though it sounds complicated, it’s not hard to learn. And from what I’ve seen, many of the parents and grandparents who read this book will become psychic themselves. Once you understand how it all works, it just starts happening!

Our thanks to Sara Wiseman for her guest post! For more from Sara, read her article “Is My Child Psychic? 10 Ways that Abilities Emerge .”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...