Wow! The next two months are going to be very busy for me. I have several appearances in California, both in the south and the north. I hope to meet some of you at them.

Saturday, January 15, 2:00 p.m.
That’s just a few days away! I’ll be in North Hollywood, at The Green Man, giving a workshop on Instant Tarot Power. Great for beginners and experienced alike. Phone them at 818-985-2010.

Thursday, January 27, 8:00 p.m.
I’ll be in San Francisco at Fields Book Store for a free talk about the new edition of Modern Magick, a question and answer session, and book signing. Phone them at 415-673-2027.

Friday, January 28, 4:00 p.m.
I’ll be moving inland to Nevada City. There is a wonderful center called The Sacred Bee, and I’ll begin the weekend with a free book signing. Phone them at 530-264-7230 for location.

Friday, January 28, 6:00 p.m.
Yes, later the same day. I’ll be giving a workshop on Talismans and Amulets. Space is very limited, so call The Sacred Bee at 530-264-7230 for reservations and directions.

Saturday, January 29, Noon
I’ll still be in Nevada City at The Sacred Bee. This afternoon I’ll be giving a workshop on Tarot & Magic (coincidentally, the name of one of my books, too!). Again, due to limited space, call them at 530-264-7230 for reservations and directions.

Saturday, January 29, 7:00 p.m.
For my fifth appearance of the weekend (!) I be giving a special Sex Magick Workshop at The Sacred Bee. This workshop is set up in modules with a brief talk followed by practical exercises and work based on what was covered. This is an amazing and fun workshop filled with magickal energy. Space will be extremely limited, so call them at 530-264-7230 for reservations and directions. Discount for couples who attend.

Tuesday, February 1, 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
I’ll be the guest on the Universal Truth Evolution Show, a “radio” show on the internet that you will be able to hear anywhere in the world over the internet. We’ll be talking about magick during the first hour and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) during the second hour. Part of blogtalkradio, you’ll be able to ask questions in the chat room and even call in on the special phone number. I hope you’ll tune and and call!

Friday, February 11, 7:00 p.m.
I’ll be back in North Hollywood at The Green Man where I’ll be giving a talk on Sex Magick. This is not the same as the workshop in Nevada City as there will not be much of the practical work. Still, it will give you a great understanding of the subject so you can do the practices on your own. Call them at 818-985-2010 to reserve space as it’s expected to be extremely full.

Friday, February 18–Monday, February 21
Pantheacon in San Jose, CA. This is always one of the great events of the year, with thousand of magickal and Pagan people literally taking over the entire Double Tree Hotel. I’m currently scheduled to be involved in four of the events. I’ll be presenting one on The Magick of Self-Hypnosis and another on Pendulum Divination. I’ll also be participating in a panel on Book Publishing 101 and I’ll be at Llewellyn’s 110th Anniversary Fair with many other authors. I’m also working to finish a very small, very exclusive free demonstration of contact with Spirits, but I honestly don’t know if I’ll be prepared in time. Please watch this blog for details to come.

Certification Course in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
As many of you reading this know, I am not only certified as a clinical hypnotherapist, I am also certified to teach hypnosis and hypnotherapy by both the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the Society for Experiential Trance. Working with The Green Man in North Hollywood, CA, I am going to present a Certification Course in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. This is not a 2-hour introductory class. It will entail several weekends (Friday evening plus Saturday and Sunday) along with you reading and reporting on books. There will be a total of 100 hours of in-class work and homework. You will be taught various forms of hypnotic inductions, how to do effective hypnotherapy, appropriate laws and scope of practice, and even how to give stage shows. Upon completion you will be certified as a hypnotherapist and can practice in California.

We are currently determining the best dates for people interested in taking this course. I just saw a similar course offered for $1,500. This course will be about one-fifth that price in order to get as many interested and dedicated people certified. Please call The Green Man at 818-985-2010 to tell them that you’re interested and the weekends you’re available. We will be announcing dates soon.

For more details, please contact any of these shops or groups, or see my website HERE.

I hope you’ll have a chance to see me at one of these appearances. Please say hello! I’m told I’m fairly friendly.

If you have a bookstore, New Age center, are a part of a group, etc., and would like to bring myself or another Llewellyn author to your location to give workshops, please contact us through Llewellyn by dropping an email to:

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...