Aquarius, The Water Bearer
January 20 to February 18

Modality: Fixed
Element: Air
Ruler: Uranus

Keywords: Unconventional, original, progressive, intellectual, compassionate, stubborn, isolated

As an Aquarius you are an enigmatic puzzle, a mix of the old and the new and of friendly and aloof. You are noted for your independence and strong will, but you are also stubborn (being a fixed sign). Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian, and you are generous with your time and money when helping others. You are also a communicator, being an air sign, though you do like your independence from others as well. You are intellectual, intuitive, and insightful.

The universal sign of friendship, Aquarians are often surrounded by several acquaintances, though few close friends; you are comfortable in large groups of people at clubs and gatherings, despite gender or background. In love, you might play the field, as you search for variety. Communication is key for you in your romantic relationships; you could do well with your opposite sign, Leo, or with the other air signs, Gemini and Libra. Taurus and Scorpio could provide a relationship clash with their possessiveness. Your family life is traditional, staying in close touch with relatives. Be careful of clutter in the home, as some Aquarians have trouble letting go of collectibles or knick-knacks.

When it comes to careers, Aquarians are both naive and practical (again with the duality). Learn to live within a realistic budget, as at times it may seem that it is feast or famine with money; doing so you can do well financially in the long-term. An Aquarius enjoys a calm working environment, and likely will spend their lifetime in one career.

You are generally a homebody, though you do enjoy a weekend getaway now and again.

For the year ahead:

Affirmation: Knowledge is my path to freedom and success.

  • Jupiter makes a quick trip through Aries (your third house) between now and the beginning of June; there will be a positive emphasis on family, relationships, and networking. Jupiter then moves into Taurus, where it will spend the next year; here in your fourth house, you may find yourself redecorating your home, planting a new garden, or contemplating a move.
  • Uranus completes its seven-transit of Pisces on March 10, 2011, moving into Aries. Communication will be highlighted, between friends, neighbors, and family.
  • Saturn will be in Libra all year, in your ninth house. This makes for a good time to broaden your knowledge, whether by returning to school or taking a new class. Your efforts might also be humanitarian, choosing to share your knowledge with others.
  • Pluto spends the entire year in Capricorn, where it will transit until 2024 (your twelfth house). Pluto will, in some way, transform your life in the coming years, heightening your intuition and helping you transform your life for the healthier and the better.
Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...