This month, we are taking a little break from our journey through the cards. You see, here in Minnesota, it is still cold (only 10 degrees the morning I wrote this) and snow still covers much of ground. So I’m devoting April to welcoming April and with it, warm weather, energy, and bursting forth with new beginnings.

What card marks the idea of new beginnings better than the Fool? And what a bonus…tomorrow just happens to be April Fool’s Day.

Our image for today is from the Spirit of the Flowers Tarot. This darling little Fool, as the flower Geranium, also embodies the spirit of spring. In Victorian times, flowers (and even the method of presenting or holding them) were symbolic. Geranium communicated the idea of impatient desire. That’s how many of us are feeling right now…impatiently ready for Spring.

Looking at this image, we see that he is determined to keep moving but his little dog seems to be distracting him.

Is there something that you impatiently desire to do? What is holding you back? What is distracting you? These questions and this image lead to a spread that you might want to try in preparation for Spring. We want to shake off the lingering hibernating energies of Winter. We want to unfurl our limbs. We want to wake up our slumbering enthusiasm.

To do this reading, take the Fool card out of whatever deck you prefer to use. Set it in the center of your reading space. Shuffle your cards and lay out cards all around the Fool, so he looks like he is in a box, like this:

To interpret the spread, notice what he (the Fool) is looking at. That is what you want to move toward. What cards are by the dog (or whatever creature is on your card)? These are distractions or heavy winter energies that are slowing you down or holding you back. The cards near the bag are what you are bringing along. Are they going to be useful or are they just excess baggage? Other cards not assigned to the Fool, the creature, or the bag give information about the environment, including possible dangers, that can help you move ahead with more certainty.

After doing your reading and having identified the energies you want to release, stand up and shake! Visualize the remnants of winter being shed, falling off you, freeing you. To do a complete job of it, sweep up the shed energy and put it outside where it can be redistributed to where it is needed. Recycle! You don’t need it anymore, so pass it on.

As an extra-special bonus gift to you, here is a link to some April Fools Fun.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...