Lately, here at Tarot Pathways, we’ve been exploring significators: there historical associations, modern methods of selecting significators, how to effectively incorporate them into your practice. Hopefully you’ve gleaned a few useful ideas and maybe even shared some in the comments.

Today, I’m going to share a technique that can be used one its own or as part of a full reading.

This is based on a technique that Caitlin Matthews taught at this year’s Readers Studio. I started with her basic concept and expanded it.

1. Select your significator anyway you like (if you have no favorite method, CLICK HERE for some ideas)

2. Place the card back in the deck and shuffle.

3. Divide the deck in two parts.

4. Locate your significator in one of the decks, counting how many cards it is from the top (or bottom, if it is closer to the bottom). Put the significator face up on the table.

5. Take the other half (the half not containing the significator) and count either down or up the same number of cards as the significator. Pull that card and place it face up next to the significator. This is the Significator Detail card.

6. Take the card off the top of the deck that did not contain the  significator. Place it face up above the significator and the significator detail card. This is the Significator Aspiration.

7. Take the card off the bottom of the deck that did not contain the significator. Place it face up below the significator and the significator detail card. This is the Significator Shadow.

Then you read this mini-spread. The Significator and Significator Detail cards form the core of the querent’s personality. The Significator gives a general overview, and the Significator Detail shows the aspect of the querent that is important either at that moment or in relation to the question (if this technique is being used as a prelude to a full reading).

The Aspiration shows the querent’s intention or hopes.

The Shadow shows the querent’s fears or shadow.


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...