I recently wrote a book about tarot spreads. It will be available in April. In it, I make what I think is a really good case for the importance of the design in which the cards are laid out on the table. That is, are they in a vertical line, a horizontal line, a square, a cross? I think that this matters.
Some people disagree, on being one of my esteemed colleagues and the winner of the 2011 Tarosophy Award. Angelo Nasios, if you don’t know him, puts out excellent YouTube videos about tarot. Check out his channel, and in particular this video.
I was able to get a review copy for him and ask him to review it (like he reviewed my Tarot for Beginners). I’m excited to hear his opinion on the matter. Debate and discussion is how we all grow and learn as readers. Although he did a pre-review giving his initial impressions (which you can see HERE, it will be a while before we can his full review. In the meantime, what is your opinion? When you do a reading, does the geometric layout of the cards affect your interpretation at all?
Oh, and just because I am in love with it, here is the cover of my new book:
I am a big believer that the layout directs the flow of energy, or at least leades us like a flow chart thru a path of our decision-making options in a way that simply dealing out cards cannot achieve.
He already started to review your book and he quites like it ( if I understood well, I’m not *that* good in english )
I was so jealous when I saw he had a copy of your book. I want it since I first read about it on your blog !
And will go well along with the Steampunk tarot
Absolutely! Not only is the shape of the spread important in terms of directing the flow of energy but also the energy of the deck used. The ‘spirit of the deck’ can help or hinder the flow of the healing energy emanating from the reader. The more we attune and become able to sense energy flow, the better readers we become and the more these sort of things matter… IMHO
I’ve always thought that the spread was important. It was pointed out early on in my life that I should even look at tilts to cards (is the magician leaning towards the nine of cups?) and patterns in the spread.
Barbara’s comment is interesting as well, sometimes I will allow the cards to spiral out, less placement more intuitive to sense the flow. You get a feel for the reading on a whole.
Great post.
Be well.