In my first post in this series to greet the season of Spring, I explained why what most people think of as a love spell (cast the spell to make someone love you) is ultimately self-defeating. You’d always know that the only reason that person was with you was because of the spell, not because he or she really cared. There are other reasons why such a spell isn’t a good idea, too.

However, real love spells are possible, practical, and useful. As I wrote in my previous post,

A far better way to perform a love spell is to make the universe aware that you’re ready for an influx of true love energy. This also involves making yourself ready for love and being open to accepting this energy when it arrives.

In today’s post I want to describe this concept in more detail.

The Concept

Many people believe that “opposites attract.” In reality, this is absolutely false. Perhaps the ultimate example of this is a simple bar magnet, where a positive pole attracts a negative pole.

Photo Illustrating How Negative and Positive Poles of Magnets Send Energy that Attracts

But just as the opposite of love isn’t hate (it’s indifference), we’re still dealing with magnets and magnetic energy. What occurs is that a magnet’s pole will attract what completes, or works to complete, it’s energy. Iron filings are attracted to a magnet, but not as strongly as the complementary pole of another magnet. This is the occult Law of Attraction: Like Attracts Like.

But this needs a bit more explanation. While like attracts like, no two things are exactly the same. So while like does attract like, it’s the fulfillment of what one half of that equation is missing that most strongly draws the other half to it.

Let me give an example with people. Let’s assume there is a woman named Jane. She’s interested in science and comic books. She is great at paying various word games like Scrabble, but is terrified of public speaking.

Now, around her are three guys. Jack is also interested in science and comic books, plays Scrabble brilliantly, but also fears public speaking. John is interested in science and comic books but loves to give speeches and does so easily. Unfortunately, he’s terrible at Scrabble but admires people who are good players. James doesn’t like comics or science and is indifferent to playing games or public speaking.

Jane and Jack would likely become great friends. Jane and James have little in common and, at best, would be polite to each other. But John—who also has similar interests—has different qualities she’s missing that attract her while she has different qualities he’s missing that attract him.

A good love match is not based on the idea that same attracts same, but like attracts like. A romance can happen when you are very much alike but have differences that complement each other. As the titular character says in the 1996 movie, Jerry Maguire, “I love you. You… you complete me.”

The Challenge

Okay. You want to bring love into your life. If you need someone who is both like you and helps complete you, you are faced with an enormous challenge: Are you the person you want to be?

If you’re looking for a person who is kind, intelligent, and thoughtful, you’re more likely to draw such a person to you if you’re also kind, intelligent, and thoughtful.

Are you?

If you do not have the qualities of the person you want to attract, you need to acquire such qualities. Just as when you’re doing a magickal spell for something as improving happiness or finances, you need to prepare for your magick love spell. The first thing to do is take a self-inventory.

This is rather simple to do. Think of all the characteristics you’d like in a loving partner. This list can include anything from appearance to education level, from spiritual direction to whether he or she prefers going out dancing or staying home and reading. There’s no right or wrong here, just make a list of these qualities.

Remembering that like attracts like, go through the list and, on a scale of 1–10, ask yourself if you have those characteristics. Now, ask three of your friends to grade you on the same list. Don’t look at their answers until you have all three (or more) lists and mix them up so you won’t know who gave any particular set of answers. This is about you…not what individuals think of you.

Compare all of the answers. Those that are similar to yours may be ignored. You’re correct in your self-assement. Those that are different than yours need to be considered. If you think you’re intelligent but others think you’re not, what can you do to change this? If you think you’re pretty but others don’t think this is true, what can you do about it.

[If you’re not as intelligent as you think, take some classes or read some books on subjects that interest you. If others don’t think you’re pretty or handsome, it’s not because of your outside appearance. Contrary to the myth, beauty is not skin deep. Beauty is soul deep. If you think and act like a beautiful person, others will pick up on that energy and think you are beautiful or handsome.]

If you are not the type of person you want to be, change it! Become the person you want to be so when you attract a person for love, that person will fall for the person you are, not the person you want to be.

Yes, this can take some work to accomplish. But when you find your ideal life partner, you see that this was all worth it.

The Last Preparation Step

Now that you’ve made yourself ready to work magick to attract love, look again at the list you made for the type of person you’d like to attract. Make sure this is not a specific person. Or, if there is a person whom you really like, make a list of the qualities he or she possesses that attract you. Are you ready to attract a person with those qualities? Again, if not, change yourself. If you are ready, my next post will show you the actual ritual to attract love into your life.

Other Parts of this Series:

Part 1 Part 3 Part 4


Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...