Free App Alert! Llewellyn’s New Worlds Catalog Is Now Available As a Free App Download
Llewellyn’s consumer catalog, New Worlds, is now available as a FREE app in the iTunes store and for Android in the Google Play Store! Browse and order our new releases; find articles, interviews, and more from our authors; and discover exclusive sales!
To download the app:
- For the iPhone and iPad: Simply click here or open the iTunes store and use the search term “Llewellyn’s New Worlds.”
- For Android: Simply click here or open the Google Play Store on your Android device and use the search term “Llewellyn.”
Additionally, there are apps available within the iTunes store for five of our best-selling tarot decks: The Fairy Tale Tarot, The Goddess Inspiration Oracle, Legacy of the Divine Tarot, The Mystic Dreamer Tarot, and The Mystic Faerie Tarot.
I was so excited to see that an app for New Worlds was now available, until I saw that it was only available through iTunes! Is it possible in the near future this app will also be available for Android phones as well?
Um no there is no free app I have used the link can you please help me
for Android users, go to Google Play Store and search Llewellyn. iPhone users go to iTunes and look for Llewellynn’s New World. they apps ARE FREE. i have an android powered phone AND an iphone and have the app on BOTH phones and didnt cost anything. am absolutely LOVING this!!!!!!
Do what thou willt, love is the law, so many ppl claim the person who ‘coined’ that phrase was asatanist, yet he brought yoga to the Western world, opened up the doors of a secret society or 2 when he wrote the Equinox, Liber Aleph & the indispensable 777. His black humour gained him a reputation as the ‘most evil man in the world’ . But he was also one of the most accomplished mountaineers of his time and a brilliant mathematician. He didn’t make money from teaching his craft, or science, whatever you prefer to call it. He put his head above the parapet and took whatever was thrown at him. Without him all the books.available now, would not be in print, the reasons etc would have as great a hold over the world as they did & the church. He envisioned a new aeon when after so much war peace would take hold & we would emerge from the shadow of deceit, death and political intrigue/control & double standards. So many ppl benefited from his work but would never admit it(even for money) but would charge the ill or confused and lost for the help they need. Maybe we should put our own house in order b4 condemning those with a.willingness to face what the world has to throw above & outside the pigeonholes and self styled castles/faerie palaces ppl build, who have never looked past themselves or payed the price of helping someone for the sake of right action instead of charged money for their services, lol. I’ll be loved for this comment. The pink elephant in the room! Ha ha! Be aware, awake and true to your inner self not your practical coat! Be u, b true!
is there a chance this will be available via ftp or on amazon app site for those kindle users?
For iPad and iPhone users you can find the app in the app icon not iTunes.
On my Android, it actually showed up as “Llewellyns”. For some reason there’s an s at the end. Hope that helps some folks.
Merry Meet Llewellyn, My Pagan Name is Ophi Ophiuchus, and I own an iPad 4 and an iPhone 4S. When I typed in Paganism into the APP Store in the iTunes Store, I found your APP, but there is one BIG problem. Your iOS App is no longer available for Purchase….. I am not sure if this is an oversight of Apple; an Oversight of your Publishing company; or that of your App Developer(s), but I would appreciate it if this Issue with your APP could be rectified so myself and others can gain access and purchase your Free APP from the Apple iTunes App Store.
Blessed Be by the Light and Love of the Gods and Goddesses, Ophi.
I been thinking about this website AND BAM the app just happen to be there. My daughter needed a phone (she under my contract) I gave in… losing all my contacts that were not in sync with Google. ..Liv & learn. .. they use the same sd card????…anyway im have more space. .. Liv. Luv.laugh..minta63
What about us BlackBerry users? I want an app, too! Pretty Please! With silver and sage on top! Blessed Be!
Is app available for Kindle Fire HDX?
I just downloaded Llewellyn’s app on my Android… the app doesn’t work. You can’t access it.
No app for Android
I want to place an order, but unfortunately I’m not able to do so.
Hi Belinda! Please accept our apologies for the issues with our website! Our shopping cart is back open, and we have extended our Winter Sale prices. Happy shopping!