One Card Tarot Reading With a Twist
Last weekend I was at the Detroit Area Tarot Intensive, where I presented along with Dan Pelletier, co-owner of the Tarot Garden and knower-of-many-fascinating-things.
When attending conferences, one expects to learn a lot during the actual classes or workshops. But sometimes things are learned at other times, like while sharing a meal.
Dan taught us a nifty little technique over dinner one evening. He didn’t have a name for it; he just did it. Here’s how it played:
Dan asked someone to ask a question, then pick a card from the deck he had fanned out. The card was left face down.
Dan then answered the question without looking at the card.
Then he had the person flip the card and asked them how it fit in with the answer given.
That’s it. Short and simple. And rather amazing.
I tried it. And the results were amazing. My answer, based only on an intuitive (or, if you will, psychic) insight, was a good one. The card flipped played nicely with the answer and gave even more information.
Party trick? Amazing intuitive/psychic technique? Who knows. But if it works, it works.
Give it a try and see what results you get.
This is a cool trick for parties. I think I may just employ it for the fun of it.
I will try this this weekend. Should be fun! Thank you, Barbara..and Dan
Barbara, I just tried this and it was very telling! Hopefully my results will prove to be accurate, but the card drawn reagrading my question proved to be very germaine to my question and in line with my partner’s answer of my question.
I tried it and it was spot on. It actually felt good and ‘right’ to answer the question first before reading the card. Will try this more often. Thank you for this great idea.
Barbara, I tried this with a small group this weekend with great results. Even the non-readers in the group gained insight when they tried to apply the card’s imagery to my answer.
I will try this weekend.Thank you for this party tricks.