Right. I like  RWS-style deck as well as the next person. I like cat decks pretty well (which is good, considering I designed the Pagan Cats Tarot) even though I am more of a dog person. I certainly did not expect to fall in love with the fabulous felines of the Black Cats Tarot. Seriously. In. Love.

I like novelty decks just fine. I like it better if a deck that could be novelty reaches further and achieves more. The Black Cats Tarot does that. I have picked out oodles of images that either charmed me or made me think or delighted me with their cleverness. I’ll comment on some, but I am sure these expressive creatures can speak for themselves.

This must be the most serene High Priestess that ever was:

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I always thing the Hierophant gets a bad rap because so many of us project only negative aspects of leaders and teachers on that card. This one is more in line with my idea of a great spiritual leader and teacher.

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The Hermit:

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The Hanged Man:

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Maybe the most joyful Sun I’ve seen since the Gaian Tarot:

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Now tell me, what do you think of this World card?

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A most poignant 5 of Cups:

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Now here is an interesting 9 of Pentacles. It’s one thing to be self-possessed in your own garden. It’s another to be so while surrounded by sharks.

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The 4 of Wands…it feels very pagan and magical; I love it.

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A true 9 of Swords, don’t you think?

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A clever and intriguing 10 of Swords:

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I love the court cards.

Queen of Cups, not staring at the cup but at the heavens, where dreams and destinies are writ large!

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King of Cups, a wordsmith or composer of songs? He is not the disconnected and repressed artist as often shown…he is an artist. Or perhaps he softens the rules and laws of his realm with compassion and empathy.

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King of Swords. Perhaps this says more about me than I should admit in public, but I find this image kind of powerful, dangerous, and exciting.

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Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...