Are You a Magical Natural? – 11 Signs That You Have Inherent Magical Abilities
Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Tess Whitehurst, author of Magical Housekeeping, The Good Energy Book, The Art of Bliss, Magical Fashionista, The Magic of Flowers, and the new Holistic Energy Magic and the forthcoming Magic of Flowers Oracle.
Something funny about being born with magical abilities is that you often don’t know it—or at least don’t fully realize the extent of it—because you assume that everyone else is having the exact same experience you are. It’s a natural assumption, because it’s all you’ve ever known! If you’re an empath, you think everyone else can feel other people’s feelings. If you’re an animal communicator, you think everyone else can tell what her dog is thinking. If you’re a master manifester, you think everyone else can visualize something and watch it miraculously appear within a matter of hours or weeks. Consequently, you may imagine that you’ve got to practice harder in order to develop your magical abilities, while it actually may be more important for you to realize and embrace the abilities that you already have. Then, once you do that, you can wield them consciously and learn to express them in even more wonderful ways. With this in mind, here are 11 signs that your magical abilities are perhaps more potent than you previously thought.
Please keep in mind that everyone’s magical abilities are different, so these need not all be true for you. Even one or two will indicate strong magical proclivities.
- You love magical and metaphysical book and supply stores. Clearly, you sense the energy and power of things like incense, crystals, candles, spiritual writings, and crystal singing bowls. Otherwise, you wouldn’t find anything of interest at these stores.
- You notice recurring patterns. Does it seem like almost every time you look at the clock, you see 11:11? Or 4:44? Or 12:34? Or maybe you go through times when—almost every day—you see a single hawk circling high in the sky, or dream about being able to breathe under water. These are messages from the spirit world coming through. As a medicine man or woman, you’re a bridge between the worlds of spirit and matter, and you’re being called to interpret and heed the messages you receive.
- You think about someone, and then they contact you. As a magical person, you are especially tuned into the interconnection between all people, places, and thoughts. So someone crosses your mind while you’re in the shower, and you get out and find that they just called you. Or you start wondering about that question you emailed to your friend, and then you check your email, and there’s your answer.
- You are an intuitive cook. Maybe you start with a recipe or maybe you don’t, but either way you frequently end up with a dish or a meal that no one has ever prepared before. And it’s (often) awesome! This is a physical mirror of your spiritual ability of sensing exactly what is needed energetically in order to bring about the reality you desire.
- You can sense what a cat is about to do. Have you ever met a neighborhood cat while out for a walk and known absolutely, without a doubt in your mind, how to approach in order not to frighten him away? Have you thought to yourself, for example, If I take one more step, he’s going to dash, but if I squat down and look at my fingernails like I don’t really care, he’s going to approach…And then you were right? Yeah, you were tuning into that cat’s consciousness. And yeah, not everyone can do that.
- You somehow know the tone of voice to use to get any wild animal to look at you and pay attention. Have you ever seen an owl or a deer and said, “Hi buddy!” or “Hey you,” in a certain tone of voice and had her calmly look right at you? Like you could just think about your intention to connect and then you could somehow connect? Again: not something everyone can do. Humans speaking to wild animals=not usually successful. They usually err on the side of caution and flee.
- You are really picky about color. You might like every color in the rainbow, but only certain very specific shades seem to nourish you at any given time. Color is energy, so this points to your ability to sense nuances of energy, and to know how that energy interacts with everything else.
- You can tell when someone’s lying. You just know. How do you know? You don’t know…Until now, that is: it’s because you’re magical. You’re awake to subtleties that fall under the radars of many people.
- You perceive plants as having personalities. And now you might be thinking, Wait, not everyone perceives plants as having personalities? No, my friend, they do not. Crazy, right?
- You crave the feeling of walking barefoot on grass. For you, it’s not just a warm weather amusement, it’s (sometimes) an actual necessity. This is because a part of your magic is your attunement with the Earth. Walking barefoot or sitting on the earth is literally a communion with your Divine Mother and a way of receiving her unconditional love, healing, and support.
- You prefer hiking or walking in nature quietly, even when with a partner or group. You may even have decided you don’t like walking in nature with others, because their idle chitchat irritates you. And talking on your phone? Never! It misses the whole point of listening to the wind and birds, and feeling at one with with the nurturing presence of the natural world. Mother Nature is just so alive and sacred to you, you see no reason to listen to anything but her.
So, what did you discover? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Our thanks to Tess for her guest post! For more from Tess Whitehurst, read her article “Visualization for People Who Have Trouble Visualizing.”
I sometimes feel like I have a strange connection with earth and life. Here are some examples. When I was younger I sat right by the same tree every morning and read during the summer, one day I was eating lunch and I felt this sharp pain in my side and it stayed there for about an hour. When it finally went away I went to the tree and it had a huge chainsaw mark like someone had tried to cut it down but stopped midway. Another time my mom was driving me to my friends house and she hit a squirrel. She got out of the car and looked behind the car while I looked in front of it. I saw it and it wasn’t moving but it didn’t have any gashes or blood on it. It looked completely fine. I dont really remember what I whispered to it but as soon as I did it woke up. So these may just be coincidences but I don’t know. I also see the future through dreams sometimes.
I have expierenced calming the weather… the same day i saw an owl looking at me and without doubt i thought of hogwarts.
Hi! Um for last few months that time thing has been happening to me and also like all of those things are true about me…. is this a real thing cuz like I’m kinda freaking out in a good way? I think…
Yes I show am number 7,10 and 11 I am very picky about color I don’t even have a favorite color. I love feeling grass on my feet it playful but I love it and I absolutely love nature and especially when I’m alone in a forest near a rain fall ,it gives me a sense of peace, satisfactions and well being.
Yes I sure am number 7,10 and 11 I am very picky about color I don’t even have a favorite color. I love feeling grass on my feet it playful but I love it and I absolutely love nature and especially when I’m alone in a forest near a rain fall ,it gives me a sense of peace, satisfactions and well being.
this is strange but every night I see a mysterious Y symbol formed by twinkling stars…….it has been happening since I was 6
Every single time I look at the clock is see 10.10 11.11 12.12 22.22 08.08 0707 15.15 etc etc this happens every single day even on weekends I also got married on the 08/08/2020 purely by fluke coincidence. I’m hugely spiritual and have dreamt the future many times and my dreams have come to pass in real life one or two weeks later. I love cats and have manifesting powers

umm this might be weird but i got all of them what now because im getting a littel creeped out and plus i can understand deer help
so…to me 1 2 3 7 8 10 11 is happens a lot of time also i see future in my dream which is so confusing. When i was young i guess the time when things will happen but not now sadly. And the reason why search like these things is cause i hear strange noise these days like im the only one hearing it and others dont which is creep me a little bit, so i need help where can i find something about magic?
I have every single one of them,but I also have premonition dreams,and they always come true…I also feel people energy,and as I have been with people who were dying, I could feel when they would go,very strange feeling to feel someone energy leave their body…I could go on,as I have had so many experiences..
Always feels like I can raise up an object without touching it. And I always stop the rain whenever I feel like. I’m just looking for an answer if it is possible once can have a magical power
Yes Anna, I have had many experiences. It was a very hot day in Melbourne and the owl in our tree looked like it needed cooling off, so I gently sprayed her with the hose. She opened her wings to ask for more, and I did it till she put her wings down. In Zwolle my daughter and I were sitting in the park when a female duck sat down next to me, she flattened right down so not to be seen. Then 3 males ducks floated by down the little steam. We kept very still for her.
Love and light Sandi
My curiosity is how to develope magical you have any knowledge related to this?when you notice you have magical powers, you are meant to develope them.
I am young but when I stick my hand out a window while its raining I don’t get wet,when I’m outside during rain I make a circle with my hands around myself and I don’t get wet! I can put my hand in wild waves and say calm and the water calms!! pls tell me how this works!
all those things happen to me and I have ADHD are adhd people magical
i meant wild water in genaral
i have 1, 5 and 7
What if all of the above apply to me? …
I usually see me as afairy
i can move things with my mind what does that mean!?
I feel like i have magick in my blood and practice dragon magick and i’m a sage of six paths of dragon magick which feels extremely awesome and i’ve been learning through books on dragon magick I’ve come full circle as a dracomancer of nine elemental dragons #ilovedragons #dracomancer4life #longlivedragons
I do every one of those things and always wounded why now I no it has something to do with magic thank you and if there is anything I should do to make my connection stronger or need to do I would love to know what to do next thanks I hope this message finds it way to the people
I resonate with 1,2,3,5,6 and 8. I have deer that live outside of my apartment complex and I talk to them whenever I see them. I don’t fully understand them but they look at me and seem like they understand me. I also can sense when someone is really sick or will die. I worked as a CNA for 12 years and a few of those years I did home health care. One of the people I was taking care of ended up in the hospital for complications, the day of him passing I had a weird feeling the whole day I knew something was going to happen but I wasn’t sure what exactly. That night around the time he passed away my whole down stairs to my house smelled like the cigarettes he smoked and his cologne. The next morning I got the call that he passed away. I’ve been having a lot of intense feelings of cancer or illness, I originally thought it was me but within the month of those feelings starting I found out that my cousin was diagnosed with colon cancer and about a month or so after that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have a lot of little weird things like this happen to me since I was little, I would love to know more.
This is kinda creeping me out because I have most of these.. After reading the article I went to the library and two little kids were playing with a train set, I imagined them in my mind’s eye of the older one pushing one of the trains in a certain direction and he did! I tried this a few other times and everything I felt and saw were aligned with reality.