Tune in to the Angels of Your Sun Sign
Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Patricia Papps, author of Heal Yourself with Angels and the new Angels of the Zodiac.
Lead a happy and fulfilling life with your own special zodiac angels who work in conjunction with the ray of your zodiac sign. Zodiac angels have a special power and a deep love that will raise your consciousness to a higher spiritual level, enabling you to embrace life in all its glory and face any problems with courage and faith. My book, Angels of the Zodiac, will show you have to use the power of these angels to enhance your life and sort out any problems that you are experiencing. They bring an understanding of the reason for this particular incarnation and will bring you answers to the spiritual questions you may have.
Each zodiac sign has four angels that bring their wisdom and love to enrich your life and heighten your awareness of the spiritual aspects of your being:
- Each sign has a special angel that brings a particular lesson to the soul
- Each sign has an angel for the special lesson that the soul has incarnated to learn
- Each zodiac sign is also under the influence of a particular colour ray, and this ray has a special angel that will bring help and guidance in your daily life
- Zodiac signs also come under the influence of a planet, and each planet has a specific angel that brings a perception of your life that will bring happiness and joy to your soul through belief and awareness of the special help of the angels
How do you tune into this special power of the zodiac angels and enjoy their help and love? Angels of the Zodiac provides clear instructions on how to harness this power through meditation that will, with practice, bring you awareness of their presence and their loving energy. As you become more aware of a particular angel’s presence in your life, their love will be able to bring a healing balm to your emotions and a clarity to your mind that will enable you to live joyously and abundantly.
Tune in to your special zodiac angels today and develop a lifestyle that is harmonious and happy. Angels work miracles in your life and bring their love to expand your consciousness and bring awareness of your spiritual self. The meditations in the book will bring a peace of mind and stability to your life and bring you into an awareness of angels that will enable you to realise your dreams. Zodiac angels open our awareness to the mysteries of the Divine and lift our consciousness to a higher level of understanding. This brings a deep peace and inspiration to our lives and helps us create the sort of life we would like to be living. Enjoy working with your angels today and you will find life is fulfilling and joyful and has a deeper meaning that you ever thought possible.
Our thanks to Patricia for her guest post! For more from Patricia Papps, read her article, “The Angels of Your Sun Sign.”
[…] Ideas for how to work with the angels overseeing your zodiacal sign. […]