Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Sherrie Dillard, author of several books, including Develop Your Medical Intuition, You Are a Medium, Love and Intuition, Discover Your Authentic Self, and the new Sacred Signs & Symbols.

As a professional psychic and medium, people are often surprised that when it come to personal issues, I often look to sacred signs and synchronicities (or meaningful coincidences) to confirm my intuitive impressions and receive messages from the spirit realm.

In personal matters we are rarely objective. Our expectations, desires, emotions, and beliefs often get in the way of accessing clear and unbiased intuitive guidance. To successfully receive helpful and accurate intuitive information we need to be in a neutral and receptive state. Unfortunately, when we most want our intuition to come through for us, our emotions and expectations may create a fuzzy static that prevents reliable receptivity. An invaluable source of guidance and insight, sacred signs and synchronicities are a form of intuition expressed through the external world.

My love for using signs started at a young age. I remember kneeling in the grass and pulling off the petals of a daisy on at a time, while reciting, “He loves me, he loves me not.” However, I was more fascinated in this simple daisy oracle than I was in knowing if my third grade crush, Billy, truly loved me.

A few years ago I felt intuitively led to create an oracle divination system, but was not sure where to begin and what it would entail. Then, while walking my dog one afternoon, I noticed a hawk feather lying on the steps of an abandoned church. The next day I found a yellow northern flicker feather, and the day after this, a blue jay feather. Although, I wasn’t sure of the meaning of these feathers, in my heart I knew that they were a sign. As I pondered their significance, I had the realization that sacred signs and synchronicities can be used as a divination oracle system. Although they seem to come and go and randomly appear, they can be invoked and better understood and interpreted through a specific framework.

With this awareness, I got to work, and with the help of my spirit friends, created a system to invoke signs and better understand their message and meaning. Similar to using a tarot card or rune spread, the sign oracle can reveal unknown information and bring more understanding to a sign’s message and meaning. Like other divination systems, a sign oracle can also guide you in current issues; help you to make more informed decisions; empower you to know your purpose; reveal insight into a relationship; and strengthen a connection with a loved one on the other side, an angel, or other spirit being.

Our thanks to Sherrie for her guest post! For more from Sherrie Dillard, read her article, “4 Ways to Identify a Sacred Sign.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...