Mystic Faerie Tarot

Linda Ravenscroft, text by Barbara Moore

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The fae of Justice lives in a mistletoe bush. While she looks very demure and gentle, she represents an incredibly powerful magic that is tied deeply to the core of the universe.

Her stone perch indicates her roots to the earth. However, she sits on a cushion decorated with spirals, indicated the cycles life…life as lived by people. The power she wields is a direct result of our individual actions. A human name for her power is karma, the justice of the universe. This is the most perfect and poetic of all justice systems. She holds the scales that weird our actions and the sword that delivers our reward, whatever it may be. She is blindfolded, so she cannot help or hurt us. She can only mete out what we have earned.

Out of all the Mystic Faerie cards, this one speaks most clearly and succinctly the faerie’s main

Message for us humans: what you do today directly creates what you will experience tomorrow. It is a message that we have heard many times, in many different ways. Our religious and spiritual systems express it, our system attempts to impose it, and even our everyday sayings remind us of (you’ve made your bed, now you have to sleep in it).

This fae wishes you to understand your power and your responsibility. If you are wondering why you are facing a situation, look to your past actions. If you can see how you brought yourself to this place, you can perhaps find a way to balance your karma. If you are facing a decision of how to behave in a situation, consider the future ramifications. Choose your actions wisely, and carefully make a bed you will be happy to sleep in.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...