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In Jaymi’s new book we find all sorts of ways to inspire our lives with tarot and to infuse tarot with life. In addition to practical tarot reading techniques, Jaymi also gives us ways to connect on a deeper level. In fact, you can live a sacred year of tarot using her guidance.

For example, as we settle into the deepest, coldest heart of winter, try this Winter Ritual as a way to live the season fully. Since we’ve already gone through the first month, read that card retrospectively.

Winter Ritual

Winter is the coldest season. Snow, going sledding and snowshoe-ing, the cheer of the winter holiday season, and bundling in warm hoodies reminds me of this season. Winter is about resting and being close to friends and family and sharing yummy foods to tide us over until the first plants peak up from the cold soil of Spring. I associate the Pentacles to Winter since the cards depict a lot of cold scenes and barren areas. Just look at the Five of Pentacles — two people walk in a visibly cold, winter scene.

Here in the Pacific Northwest we get a lot of rain. Therefore, I associate this season with rain, the disappearance of the sun from the sky, and sharing good stories with my friends during the long evenings. Winter is about resting and being close to friends and family and sharing yummy foods to tide us over until the first plants peak up from the cold soil of Spring.

Winter has us going deep within ourselves (and staying inside), to stay warm and safe until the Spring picks up again. As our last stop on season ritual tour, it happens during December, January, February. As Autumn winds down, you’ll remove the altar dressings and Autumn cards and decorate your Tarot table in the colors and symbols of Winter:

  • Colors: white, black, green
  • Animals: bears, arctic foxes, wolves
  • Flowers: holly, poinsettias, mistletoe
  • Scents: hot chocolate, yule logs
  • Stones: moonstone, obsidian

These colors and items are used to decorate our altar table so when we work on our Winter ritual we have reminders of the season surrounding us. Dress the table with your chosen color of winter. Use a lot of candles to brighten the space up. Add a few twigs and maybe place a bowl with water or snow on the table. Place other trinkets (stones, statues, etc) around the space.

When you finished decorating your Tarot altar table, use the following Winter Tarot Ritual to draw inspiration. Separate the Major Arcana and the Pentacles from your deck. Draw a Major Arcana from the top of your deck. On the first day of each Winter month, pull a card from the Pentacles pack. Record your thoughts and meanings for each card in your journal.

During the last week of the last month, I’ll look at the cards, write about what message each one brought me. I then put the cards back into the deck and begin creating Spring’s altar design.


2   3   4

Card One: The topic of the Season

Card Two: What insight does the first month of winter bring me?

Card Three: What insight does the second month bring me?

Card Four: What insight will the last month bring me?


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...