Expanding A Simple Spread
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Tarot Spreads is a book of spreads, and more. It includes discussions about how and why spreads “work” as well as ways to modify or create your spreads.
One way to modify a spread is to expand it. For example, here’s one way to expand a simple three card Past-Present-Future spread.
Divide your deck into three piles: Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, and Court cards.
Draw one card from each pile and lay in a row. This is the past.
Under the past row, draw one card from each pile and lay in a row.
Repeat for the future row.
You now have 9 cards.
Here’s how I interpret them:
Major Arcana: Major influence
Minor Arcana: What happened/what you experienced
Court card: How you reacted/responded
Major Arcana: Major influence
Minor Arcana: What will happen/what you will experience
Court card: How you might react/respond
Major Arcana: Major influence
Minor Arcana: What will happen/what you will experience
Court card: Advice on how to react/respond