The annual COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) awards have been announced. 8 Llewellyn titles won 2020 COVR Awards:
The Language of Tarot, by Jeannie Reed (Divination Books Category; GOLD MEDAL WINNER)
Born Under a Good Sign, by Kristy Robinett (Divination Books Category; SILVER MEDAL WINNER)
Tarot Correspondences, by T. Susan Chang (Divination Books Category; BRONZE MEDAL WINNER)
Wisdom of Souls, by The Newton Institute (Reincarnation, Death & Dying Books Category; GOLD MEDAL WINNER)
Sew Witchy, by Raechel Henderson (Visionary Non-Fiction Books Category; SILVER MEDAL WINNER)
Good Juju, by Najah Lightfoot (Wicca, Witchcraft & Magic Books Category; GOLD MEDAL