Here in the northern hemisphere, Imbolc is almost upon us, but for our southern hemisphere friends, it is time for Lammas. To help you celebrate, we’ve rounded up our best rituals, spells, books, and more!



Wheat Imagery

Traditional Lughnasadh with a Modern Twist: Discover fun ways to make your Lughnasadh celebrations more modern.






Pagan Harvest Image

Lucky Deva Abundance Charm for Lammas: Craft a lucky abundance charm for Lammas with these instructions from HedgeWitch author Silver RavenWolf.







Pear Spice Cake for Lammas: Pears are beginning to ripen around Lughnasadh. This pear spice cake honors all the gifts of the land plus it is a wonderful snack for gatherings. If you prefer, serve it as a celebratory dessert after games or ritual.







Blueberries and Lemonade

Blessed Berry Lemonade for Lammas: Berries are very important at this time of year; let’s honor their ancient value and enjoy the sweet tartness of a cooling berry-filled lemonade on a warm afternoon.





Runes and Candle

A Lughnasadh Tarot Ritual: Lughnasadh marks the first of the three harvests; it is a time of abundance and happiness, but it also marks the beginning of the waning half of the year. Use this tarot ritual for change to experience the journey of change this Lughnasadh.






Imbolc Spells: Browse our spells to find your perfect Lammas ritual or incantation. Whether you’re looking for abundance, transformation, fertility, or fruitful harvests, we have a spell for you.







Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...